
Our Australian success captures the headlines

Our Australian success captures the headlines
We recently announced that we’ve formed a partnership with Australian distributor, Dometic, and we’ve been bowled over by the response!
The deal, which could be worth as much as a quarter of a million pounds a year, came as a result of our trade visit to Australia back in April. Dometic offers a range of products to RV, truck and campervan drivers worldwide, so we instantly saw the potential for working together.
The demand in Australia is driven by the many RV and truck drivers who travel across the remote outback, leaving themselves at risk of death by dehydration and even crocodile attacks should they have the misfortune to break down! Our BriteAngle LED Warning Triangle will make them much more visible from the air, vastly increasing their chances of survival.
Our founder and Managing Director, Steve Wornham, said:
“We met Dometic’s Vice President of the Asia Pacific region on the trade visit to Sydney, and having the opportunity to meet face to face and show our products first-hand most definitely made things easier. We dispatched the first £20,000 plus shipment to Australia last week, and there is the potential for this to become an annual order of £250,000.”
The Welsh Government Minister for International Relations, Eluned Morgan, added:
“It’s great to see a Welsh company winning business in Australia as a result of a recent Welsh Government trade mission to the country. Road Safety Designs really are a shining example of superb Welsh innovation!
“The Welsh Government is committed to supporting Welsh companies to export. This is part of our efforts to growing our economy and creating new jobs for people in Wales.”

We hope that the lives of Australian drivers, passengers and other road users will be saved as a result of our new relationship with Dometic.

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Road Safety Designs Limited
The Design Studio
Mail Box 252
Penarth - CF64 9FU
Registered in England & Wales - 09335164

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The ‘BriteAngle’ warning triangle is designed to promote safety by its proper use and does not guarantee that a collision will be avoided or physical injury from a road accident will not occur. Proper use of ‘BriteAngle’ is to place in a visible position in accordance with the road users legislation in the country of use. Following its application all vehicle occupants should vacate the vehicle and take up a safe position away from the road and traffic. Always store the ‘BriteAngle’ in the case provided, failure to do so may result in damage to the product and so affect its performance and condition.